Thursday, October 28, 2010

I am a mess of all the colors it is possible to be, except the ones I want to be most.
I'm full of preconceptions.
I ignore what I don't want to see. And I twist what I do. My vision is misted.
I may not be truthful, but I am not cruel -
I have too many sides to assign me a shape.
Nothing but me separates me from myself.

Monday, October 11, 2010

New Notebooks

My math notebook just ran out. So now I get to start a new one.
So naturally I don't feel like studying.
To be fair, I have been virtuous and just done homework for an hour, and then I actually worked for the next half.
See? I get things done.
I finished all of 11.3 HW.
Too bad even if I finish 11.4, I'll still be behind.
Of course I'm still doing really well in math. This is the gift of the intelligent. The curse of the social is that they never study.
The intelligent social are really the best off, aren't they?
But I'm rambling...of course.
Anything to get out of 11.4, which has the longest HW list this semester.
11.5 has one of the shortest, so I guess it evens out. I should just buckle down and do it.
I will. I'm going to.