Navya: These mallus are barbaric.
Neethu: These brahmins...
Navya:...will never change. The upcoming brahmins are slut-cum-girls.
Mrs. Gopinath: Go go!
Navya: Rombo pandre.
Neethu: Shut up.
Navya: Can i call you chechee from today?
Neethu: Call me cheta.
Navya: Okay.
Mrs. Gopinath: This is regarding some of the ingredients in the story.
Madz: Arre yaar! [you did not understand me]
Navya: Pussy.
Mrs Gopinath: Suspense has been created.
Navya: Adithya and Jahnavi sitting in a tree...
Mrs Gopinath: At least you know what you're looking for and where you're looking for it.
Navya: We connected each other with wires, we threatened to turn the circuit on, we drew a graph and we came.
Mrs Gopinath: The corrupting power of money.
Navya: She's insulting you bittu!
Navya: Screws
If you do a spell check on 'gopinath' it tries to change it to 'opinionated'. How ironic.
Hahahahaha. What this is yaar?